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Late Summer in the Year of Changes

An official account from The Chronicles of a Rose. This past week I have lost many petals and those left are sickening from the stress of preparing for the rest of my life.

I have a most interesting account, at any rate . We worked all week b/c three of my uncle’s waitresses left on him in one week. Ack. We were supposed to start school this past week as well but I didn’t get much done due to the workload I had. Monday was an organizing day and I worked from 7 am Tuesday to 9:00 pm. Everyone is really glad I’m back; it’s so cool to get I-miss-you’s and I’m-so-glad-you’re-back’s and everything. LOL. They were tired of working with Rachel. Rachel only worked until 2 pm but I had to stay on. That was the first day I’d ever worked with Jake. He’s 18 and a cool guy and he’s the only guy that listens to cool music on the radio in the back. We share the same opinions of bus pans (hate them…They’re messy, heavy, and gross), so that’s nice, and we had fun discussing music and other stuff. I was really tired by the time I got home that night but my fam still hadn’t had evening family worship and we had to do that and take care of other stuff before I went to bed.
On Wednesday we didn’t have to be there until 10:30 am and only had to work until clean up (around 3 pm, we close early on Wednesday) but we also had to run errands so no school got done.
Thursday I had to get up early and go to work with my dad. I took schoolwork and got a bit done before I went to help Melissa Spiceland, a friend of my mom’s, with her children. She has two. The older one is a boy (Nate) and he has special needs; he has to be held all the time. He’s very sensory and has almost no muscle control; he has a stomach tube b/c he can’t swallow. He only weighs 16 lbs and is 8 months old, but he’s a very floppy, jerky-from-seizures 16 lbs. If he gets mad or uncomfortable his brain can’t handle it and he has a seizure that makes him hold his breath until he turns blue. He doesn’t like to be put down, so to prevent him from turning blue, he has to be held, constantly. Her other kid is a baby girl, only a month old, named Gillian. My job was to hold Natey for her while she got some other things done. It’s really tough on Melissa to have to carry Nate and Gillian all the time. I was really sore, both my lower back and left arm, from holding poor Natey all day. He has a cold too, and doesn’t know how to breath through his mouth, so he sounds like he’s dying, breathing through a stuffy nose. :( Poor little guy. Rachel had to work all day as well, so the day was pretty stressful on my mom.
Tell you guys what though…By Friday morning I was thinking “Poor ME!” instead of “poor Natey!” LOL. I could hardly extend my left arm at all. We did get some school done that day though. Rachel again worked all day though, so we were without an extra person to help out with our little kids. I posted up on our goat groups advertising the goats we have for sale and that we have puppies available for LGDs.
On Saturday morning we went to help back up boxes to send to Iraq to help support the 48th Brigade, in which quite a few Forsyth guys are in and over there fighting. It was fun hanging out with the rest of our 4-H people while doing so, and I think we’re going to be in the paper (again…agh, it’s rather annoying to be in the local paper so much and always having horrible pictures taken of you when half the people in town know you and see those horrible pictures!). I had to be at work at 11:00 am and we finished just in time for me to get over there. I got to work with Jake again for the morning crew. My arm was still killing me. My grandmother is in food services, and was taking over my uncle’s place at the restaurant for the day, and if I did anything, touched anything, she’d say “Go wash your hands!” I washed my hands enough for them to start looking like Jake’s after a shift at work…All wrinkled and shriveled from the water and soap. For some reason LaKendrick and Justin’s hands never get like that. >:\ It got really annoying. :(
The band Mother’s Finest was playing in a small town about 15 miles from us and guess what??? One of the guitarists walked in after lunch to get directions to where he was supposed to be! Isn’t that cool? They play classic rock and are pretty good and it was awesome to get to have him in our restaurant for a little while. :D (Do you hear that, all my classic rock fans??? I got to talk to one of the guitarists of Mother’s Finest!!! HAH! Yes! *Yzma voice* “I win.” :P :P :P :p)
I wore these really neat moon-and-lightning-bolt earrings I got at Treasure Cove while I was in WA and got two compliments on them – well, one I decided to consider a compliment even though the guy didn’t put it very delicately. The “I like your earrings” was immediately followed by “That’s cool sh**” and was rather startling to say the least. I was like, “Oh, ummm…Thanks?” Heheheh. Shortly after my grandmother left, we had a hugely monumental event for the tiny town of Forsyth; nothing like it’s ever happened since the shootings at the court house or the guy who took his wife out to eat at Shoney’s, shot her, and then shot himself (he was insane), and this was even more sensational for the amount of attention it got. :P It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen – well, okay, one of the coolest things ever. :D There was a high-speed chase through the middle of town, right on our road! :O It was so AWESOME. We ran out on the sidewalk and were watching the cars go by…The were over 25 cop cars zooming by at the least 70-80 MPH. It was crazy. The sirens were blaring and lights flashing and we’re seeing cars from Monroe County, Henry County, Butts County, Taylor County, State Patrol, City of Forsyth, and 5 or 6 unmarked cars! When about half of the cops had gone by we heard this POP noise and were like, trying to find out what happened. Lakendrick’s cousin is a cop and he call ed her and she said she was on her way over there. Bekah (Jake’s little sister, very cool chick, about a year younger than me) was so excited, jumping up and down yelling “DUDE! That was so awesome!” hehe. I was about yelling myself. Her mom went around the road block the police had already set up and came from the other direction and learned that the guy they were chasing had hit a light pole and everyone down there was out of power and that he’d gotten out and run. Lakendrick called his cousin again and we found out that he hadn’t been able to go far after the accident and they were taking him to the Macon hospital (our hospital is tiny and dinky; they don’t even help with labor and stuff like that. LAME), where he is now in critical condition. We saw power trucks and everything driving past while we were cleaning up and we were so pumped…It took me forever to get to sleep. Hehe.
But I did get to check the email before I went to bed and found lots of response to the ad I’d put out about goats, so I’m hoping that all these people will go ahead and take them b/c I am having to pay for the goat feed now b/c my mom can’t, and I can’t afford to feed them all, finish paying for one of my dog’s surgery, and still afford art lessons, which I’m FINALLY going to be taking! YAY YAY YAY YAY! I’m so excited. Lindsay has finally gotten settled in and we’re going to start probably next week as soon as we get times worked out. YES! I will finally be able to learn from someone how to draw people. :D :D :D
I also have permission as of last month to start wearing makeup; I just have to buy it. I think I’m going to start with eye makeup and some sort of concealer for my nasty zits. Ick. When I can afford it. Which will probably be awhile. It’s probably going to cost me at least $100 to start off with at any rate…I need some advice from all you people who buy makeup regularly! I don’t want to go the boring route and I need something that isn’t going to totally clog my pores up and just make the zits worse. :/ So…Email me if you have suggestions, please! :D
Today, Sunday, has been normal, slow, and boring as ever. Except for a couple things. Rosie had her kittens this morning and we had to bring them inside (and believe it or not, my dad didn’t have a fit over us bringing them inside, which he normally would! :O) b/c they almost died of the heat (heat index today is 109-112 F; yesterday was 115 F. You guys have no idea what “hot” is. :P. When walking around outside it feels like you’re walking through a never ending wet curtain; the heat literally pushes against you. It’s crazy). She had 6 and they all already have names; Rachel and I only took 15 minutes to come up with them. Hehehe. There are three white ones named Parrot (three gray spots on head), Petrol (one grey spot), and Pancake (no grey), two calico tabbies named Squeegee (more white on underbody and face) and Scunci (less white, more orange, and yes, that is like the brand of hair things. LOL), and one dark grey tabby named Cricket. Aren’t those cute names? LOL. My mom is quite dismayed and Mr. Naumowicz thinks we’re nuts. She likes the kitten Cricket but not the name. She says we should call her Hi-ho, as in “Hi-ho Silver”, which I think is kinda lame. :D The Lone Ranger sucks. We had to put them out tonight though b/c my mom was scared of fleas. :/
The other thing is my parents were entirely disgusted with my choice of outfits for today. My mom says I took something cute and turned into something “just strange” and said I looked like a bag lady with the layered clothing and my dad made a weird face and shook his head then said something rude behind my back and my brothers said they knew just how crazy I am now. Ack. All I did was layer a shorter black crushed skirt on top of an insanely bright green and blue swirl patterned smooth skirt and wear a bright green smooth shirt to match. In fact, I’m going to post a picture of it up and get a census on whether or not it was crap. I’m going to look for your comments, people. :p
Anyway, I have the feeling that I’ve had a bad week and that the world’s crashing upon my head. I didn’t get to call my best friend, Kayla, last night or this night b/c my mom has a phone appointment that she didn’t tell anyone about and we had to limit our call time with Amanda because of…Argh. What’s up with parents doing this…It is like, every time I have something scheduled, she finds something to dump on top of it. Just this one screwed up appointment has ruined my day. Teesy, I really did want to talk to you! I’m sorry. We can try during the week…Email me.
So, people, if I don’t have your blog link on mine, email me the link and I’ll put it on! Check out my favorite stuff and tell me what you think…Check out my goats too at www.geocities.com/ayrsmoss I’m going to have my artwork up on a webpage as well soon and you guys will be able to see all of the latest drawings. :)

Farewell, until the next time we speak....

~~~Listening to Nightwish, "Nemo"...The story of my life and one of my all-time favorite songs:


By Nightwish

This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass
This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh, how I wish...

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how I wish...

See, I have to do a comment on each post so that you'll know I read it. :P Even though this comment isn't really commenting on anything.

Sounds like an exciting week, though--especially the car chase bit. Sounds like work is going good too. And have fun with the art lessons!


Yes, indeed. It sounds like a most eventful week. I've just been goofing off for the most part. I've almost finished Deerskin. I think it is her best writing ever, stylistically, but the plot sure sags in the middle. I'm so bored of puppies!

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