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Me and One of My Best Buds

This is me and Irene, one of the bestest friends ever. Right before I left Edmonton she came to say goodbye and I got someone to take this shot for us. Isn't she adorable? :P

Yuppers, you're both adorable. :) So cozy.

Very cute picture. :)I took it, lol. ;)

Gotta agree with Cadet, you both look very cute. :D And nice pic Lyd. ;)

Hey, I couldn't remember if it was you, Lyd, that took the pic or not - I thought it was but wasn't sure. :D I thankyou muchly for taking it. And I can't be adorable. It's just not me. :P I LOVE YOU TOO RENE (but you'll never convince me...) *ducks* I've gotta scan some of those quirky pics of you I have hidden away somewhere. :P :P :P

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