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Forever am I slow...

Hey Guys,

I know I know, it's been forever. But it has been forever since I've been online! :( I still haven't caught up on everyone's blogs yet, or even my artwork. The only things I have been doing though is working, drawing, some writing, and getting ready, LAST MINUTE, for a goat show - something I never want to have to do again. ACK.
We stayed up three nights in a row this weekend for the three nights of full moon. There's something about a full moon that urges me to run naked outside and howl my throat sore. Yeah, anyway.
I was so exhausted after Monday. My mom is allowing us to take the week off from school to "recover" as we prepare for the goat show.LOL. I went to Lindsay's that afternoon and then went to work after that (always depressing, having to work after being at Lindsay's! But I got to work with Jake and Genie, which is always fun, so it wasn't TOO bad :P).
Then on Tuesday I went to Lindsay's again to work on my painting some more, and I ended up going to eat Mexican with them (yummy and cool both).
Today I have done nothing but clip goats and otherwise get ready for the show. I sent off a bunch of pics to John (guy I know through 4-H. He's really nice). Tomorrow we have an awards ceremony with 4-H and that should be interesting. :) I have to finish clipping goats. On Friday we have to completely pack up for the show and Rachel and I have to work. Then we leave out for the show at about 5 am Saturday morning. Rachel and maybe some of the younger kids are going to stay home and we're only taking a few goats for this one.

Okay, that's what I'm doing. There's a new poem on my fiction press site. I am working on another chapter of my story for those of you interested in such. I have also come up with some cool ideas for paintings that I'm going to do. :D

Song is "Silver Maiden" by Aina. Coolness.

Love and eHugs for all,
