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I'm A Warrior - Sort of...

Developing Warrior
65 Virtue, 75 Outer Harmony, 70 Inner Harmony

You are the Developing Warrior.

Virtue: A lower score of Virtue sets you as a kind of person who does the right thing when it suits you, but it tends to suit you more often than not. A higher score means you could be a genuine's Virtuous person. The Virtues are not as concrete as I have attempted to set them out in my test. In making decisions you have the options to personify countless different Virtues and in choosing one Virtue you may instead be indirectly choosing another. Making the right decision is never an easy choice, but at least for you, you try your best to do so.

Outer Harmony: Your Harmony with your body and how you are act in relation to the Warrior are well developed, and worthy of the Way. Perhaps some aspects are a little too esoteric or awkward for you. Maybe one day you will come to understand them fully, or maybe not. It is your Way and no one else's.

Innter Harmony: You are harmonized with the Way within yourself. Some aspects of the Warrior are difficult to live. Work on improving yourself mentally and spiritually and the rest of the Way will begin to reveal itself in all aspects of your life.

You've taken quite the journey down the Way. Probably each day you are discovering more and more about the Way and yourself. There is only one thing really holding you back from the next level. You lack the Virtue to propel you into greatness. You might want to rethink about what is important in life.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 99% on Virtue

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You scored higher than 99% on Outer Harmony

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You scored higher than 99% on Inner Harmony
Link: The Way Test written by weltall on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test