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So yah

I've had somewhat a fascination for blogthings lately. They're pretty cool, and most of them amazingly accurate for random tests.
Things are going horribly with my family. I've just today been accused of having no relationship with God, and that the only reason I left my family and the church is because they are not of the world and I just want to be of the world. Isn't that great? It made me feel just awesome. And if you can't hear the obvious sarcasm in my words, you probably should stop reading here.
I have not been feeling well since about 10 30 am this morning, when I began a conversation with my mom. She pretty much did nothing but make groundless accusations throughout the conversation and proceeded to devastate me with the knowledge that she could even think that I'm so horrible. So I haven't been feeling very good today. I am blown away by the degree of mistrust and faulty assumptions my parents, my mom in particular, have for me. But I'm not going to put you all through my personal hell by relating that side of my life.
One of the things that really depressed me though was that I was supposed to go down to Forsyth today and pick up what few school records I actually have, get my art stuff, and work and see my friends. It didn't happen because my mom flipped out. :(

On a good note, I met some of my new youth group this past week and they seem very nice, and none of them are judgemental or anything, so it's nice. I think I may be the only Goth within a 20 mile radius of where my cousins live, so it's interesting how people look at me. I'm totally cool with the knowledge of how weird they think I am though, because in general, I think THEY are weird! Hah. It's interesting. Pink has been my enemy for a while, and I seem to be surrounded by it - even about 1/6 the guys (and I'm talking about the STRAIGHT ones here) wear the freakin' color. I'm also surrounded by perfect, slender bodies adorned with well-fitting clothes and five-hundred-dollar designer purses. They guys all look like jocks and the girls mostly look like cheerleaders. Black is shunned, and I even had a random guy sit down at the same table with me after Inside Out (the youth get-together at church) and try to convince me to stop wearing black - and sneakily, too. He "challenged" me to not wear black for a week. I'm like, dude, I don't have a wardrobe large enought of non-black clothes. I mean, come ON, people. It's almost laughable. The closest anoyone comes to being Goth up here is punk, and the "p" in "punk" also stands for "preppie". I'm totally serious. I wish I had the money one of these people spends on just clothing and accesories every year. I'd be so rich. But anyway. The people in my small group actually seem to be fairly down-to-earth people, so that's good. I'm glad I didn't get stuck with the girls who put shopping as a HOBBY. No kidding, I watched about 8 of a group of 12 put that down. Is this not insane?!?!!? *growls deeply* I just don't know what is the matter with people, anyway.

Lisa and Catherine and I went to a goat show this past Saturday. What was really funny was watching Lisa freak out over things I'm totally used to. Goats peeing or crapping wherever, for one. LOL. They're animals, they do that! it was just kinda funny. I showed goats and talked to some people about selling my babies. That way my family won't be taking care of them or feeding them. :) I have 1 milker, 3 yearlings, and one baby that I'll be selling for sure - and maybe 1 more yearling. I'm leaving them with my grade milker. Hopefully they'll all sell well.

Oh, and I got my hair cut. I'm going to try to get pics soon. I didn't like it at first, but now I do. It's pretty neat. I'm going to get it highlighted in my dream combo soon too...Dark red highlights and black shadowlights. Pur-tay! :P

I gotta run but thought you guys might like an update.



Interesting post, but I beg to differ. I am really tired of being portrayed as the horrible mother. And being falsely accused of saying things I did not say.

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