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I am writing to apologize for the jerk who posted porn links in my blog comments. I hid the comments on that post and that shouldn't be there any more, but for those of you who clicked the link and had to deal with that crap, I am sorry. I've never clicked on any of the anonymous links posted in my comments for fear of getting stuff like that or else viruses, and would suggest that from now on everyone else please ignore them - for some reason I've been getting a lot of anonymous "Hey I like your blog go to this link!" crap lately. I'm sorry, guys! It sucks - And thanks David for your post, I totally agree! :D :P

Hey Lee, you can change your settings to avoid being spammed to death. Look for the word verification (that annoying set of letters you have to type in before you can submit a comment to my blog) option under the 'comments' tab on your dashboard.

Yeah, I didn't fall for any of the links either, as it's clear they're just one of the million trying to send you to the last place you want to be.


You rock!

Cousin David

Hey you--that's pretty weird and freaky about the porn spam. Yeah, like Manda said, there should be an option where you can disallow certain things. My blog provided a huge list of things commonly included in spam, and automatically deletes anything containing those... hasn't deleted any good guys yet! .... that I know of. Heh.

So I shouldn't tell you that I like your blog and give you a link to mine ;)

Miss you girl. I hope that life is good for you today. Sorry we didn't get to talk more the other day when you were painting. You're always one of my favorite people!

Hugz and Luv!

Hey, I tagged you to do a thingy Mrs. F told me to do... go to her and/or my blog to find out about it. :)


Pleasepleasepleasepleeeease do a new post soon? *Cadet makes puppy-dog-eyes at Lee* For me? :D

Nice Blog, ashley.
Keep up your book writing:-)

Dude. New post needed. (!!!!!!!!!) Did you forget this blog exists? What's up?

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