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Here it is, the long-awaited post from an unfaithful Rose of Winter

Hello everyone.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Yes, she’s finally posting – amazing, huh? :P :P :P Muahaha. I know though, I’ve been a horrible blogger. I sincerely apologize and beg for forgiveness. Everyone gets a big hug. Greetings from the warm-ish South. LOL.

News is negligible b/c most of my news no one understands anyway. :P Buuuutttt, since I have people probably thinking I’m dead or something (LOL…not quiiiite yet. There are two things that have to happen before I die that haven’t yet. I’ll leave you guys guessing as to what could be this important…And it isn’t something stupid like visiting Egypt or such nonsense (though that would be neat), my things are far more important than that.), I shall post my news, such as it is.

Speaking of things that you want to happen before you die…I tag everyone who reads this (did I say EVERYONE? Yes, that means everyone…I’m talking to YOU) to tell me three things that you would like to happen before you die. They don’t have to be the most important, since I’m not going to tell you my two most important, but just give me 3 things. Here are 3 for me…

1) go to college (give me a few years on that one :P)
2) get my books and artwork published (that shouldn’t take toooo long though, if I can get my butt moving…Thanks to the best art teacher in the world for that being in sight! ---big eHug, Linz!!!---)
3)errmmmm… it would be nice to get married. But I don’t know about that one. It’ll have to be awhile before I die for that. LOL.

Okay, now onto my news.

We went to a goat show at the beginning of the year and did VERY well. We sold two goats there and left another there to be taken care of with some friends of ours who will take great care of her. My goats whipped butt. LOL. Especially our *other* goats’ butts. *evil grin* I got GCH LaMancha with Mocha, my chocolate doe, on both days (she missed getting legs by ONE goat, ARGH. But she beat Rachel’s goat! Yay. :P :P :P). One of my Jr LM’s, Syeda, got GCH and got her dry leg, so I don’t need to show her until she freshens now. Heh. It was very exciting. Some of our other goats did very well too; we came home with TONS of rosettes and would have that many trophies, but they ran out of trophies, so we *only* brought 9 of those home, LOL. We made a healthy profit from that show as well. :) Other goat news is that by the end of the month we should be down to 15 or 16 goats. We’ll be getting lots of kids next year though, heh, and not just from the few we’re breeding, b/c several people are going to be giving us kids back from breedings. LOL.

One reason I haven’t had time to post yet is b/c I have just started a full apprenticeship at The Prints and the Pauper, under Lindsay and Richard’s most wonderful teachings. I will be going 4 days a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) and will be there from opening (10 am, though they pick me up at 9 30/9 45) to around 4 pm, when either my dad picks me up or I go to work at Uncle Frank’s. So far it has been great. My math scores came up 20 points after I got help from Richard with my Algebra 2, and I do my schoolwork first thing when I get there to get it out of the way. Right now I’m working on basically trying to clean up the huge mess left by a former employee who, to say the least, didn’t do her job. I spent almost the entire day on Friday sorting and filing receipts from the past year. Richard helped me but it still took that long. We did manage to get the front desk pretty much organized and cleaned up. I’ve gotta do a little more cleaning up over there, but I went ahead and started on cleaning up a huge table in the back that is covered in…Stuff. LOL. I know I’m probably going to find even more receipts on that table, too. LOL. The other employee did practically NOTHING of what she was supposed to, and I am extremely aggravated with the disaster left in her wake. But it will all turn out okay in the end. It will all be good. :)
But yeah, the apprenticeship thing is and is going to be awesome. It’s very cool and I get way more school done way faster without any distractions going on. I can get it done in half the time now that I can THINK. LOL.

My job at Uncle Frank’s is going well. I’m making a decent amount of money and it’s not been a bad week at all. :)

We have a bunch of kitties left. We get to keep Cricket, the grey male, but we have to spay both our females. That’s the condition my dad gave us. Everytime we turn around it is MORE kitties, so it’ll be a good thing.

We also have a set of puppies again…Again, also Lab/Pyr mixes. Again, we started with eleven. We’re down to 8, but the rest all look fat happy and lively, so it’s doubtful if any more will die for us. Heh. We’ve named them all and taken each our *own* in charge. They’re all black, most with varying degrees of white markings on them. 5 males, 3 females. They’re just over 3 weeks old and very cute, except for one, which is the runt, and really ugly. :\ I have one male and one female, that I have named Justice (male) and Nobilee (female, pronounced NO-bil-EE). Rachel has 2 males (Rebel and Stonewall) and one female (Elsie Dinsmore, so named b/c she constantly whines, complains, is always running to momma about SOMETHING, and is the biggest wimp in the bunch). Hannah claimed the runt, a male (Jackpot, nicknamed The Ugly One, LOL), and another male (Black Jack), and a female (Jacquelyn, called Jackie). We tried to theme-name our bunches. Rachel’s are all WBTS time-period related, mine are basically ideas or beliefs of higher purpose (Nobilee is my take on a feminine form of nobility; not nobility as in one who is of higher rank, but one who acts noble, brave, kind, that sort of thing), and Hannah’s all have “Jack” in their names. LOL. Our purpose is to train them and keep ours out of trouble and be responsible for giving them away. :)

I went shopping earlier this week with my cousin Genie, and got a few things, but there wasn’t anything on sale yet b/c it was before and not after thanksgiving. However, I fully intend to go on a shopping spree and get CLOTHES soon, b/c I really need winter things and I have hardly anything.

Those of you in NY – pray that I can get permission to take a couple weeks off from work and make a trip up there the end of Dec, and that I can get the $$$ to do so as well. I’m trying! I’ve gotta get parental permission too though. I’m thinking sometime around the 3rd week-the 1st week of Jan. Help me keep an eye on ticket prices too! :D :D :D It’s be so fun to get to see everyone again and meet everyone I haven’t!

My birthday is the 29th!!! I’m very excited about being wow, seventeen. I bet that makes you people who knew me when I was 11 and 12 feel old, doesn’t it? :P :P I wish it was 18, though. :S One more year, one more year! YAY!

I have written several new poems since the last time I told you guys to look at my website. So if you’d like to read them, they’re there. I’m hoping to get another Chapter of Elf Blood up sometime soon. It’ll probably be after we get everything organized an running smoothly over at the Prints and the Pauper, but I’m hoping that won’t take as long as it looks like it might. :) :S

I’m also hoping that as soon as things are organized over there I will have time to develop a professional-looking website for myself. it will have a little of my history, who I am, and my artwork and poetry as my profession for people to look at and maybe go “Oh hey! She’s pretty good! I want some of her artwork!” :P LOL.

Weeeellll….That about covers it for now. Aren’t you guys proud of me for finally posting? LOL, yeah, right, you’re probably about ready to beat me over the head for it taking me so long. :D *embarrassed grin* Love and hugs to everyone, and again, I am sorry for not getting this out sooner. It was very bad of me.


Hey. On the birthday--expect presents, but LATE, k? We're working on it, we're working on it, but it just won't be there by Tuesday. It sounds so exciting about the Prints and the Pauper!!! (I'm half-way jealous, actually.) How cool for you!!! :)

I'll call you sometime, k?, probably on your birthday. :) Talk soon!


Thanks for the update, Ashley! Sounds like things are tootling on just great for you. :)
Take care,

Hey! Yay! :) Thanks so much for posting. ;) Too bad that you're so busy--but FUN busy, right? Okay, I'm rambling, I know. :P

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