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My b-day

My birthday was yesterday, people! I'm 17 now! Yay! I was cool and I got some awesome presents. Thankyou so much people for the cards and Happy-Birthday's, I really appreciate it.

Much love to all!


Hey! Happy-birthday-a-day-late! :P Our VERY awesome present will be along soon--sorry that it is a little late. :P

Happy Belated Birthday, Ashley! :)

Time sure flies, doesn't it? Hope you had an awesome birthday, you celebrity you! Glad to see that you're embracing some hometown spirit. ;) hehe

We are truly honestly working on that present. Sorry I couldn't call Tuesday!

Happy belated Bday! :D

Happy belated birthday Ashley!!!! :) Sorry we don't have your present done yet, but I'm sure it's going to come soon and I'm sure you'll LOVE it! >:)

Happy belated birthday, Ashley!

I love ya Beautiful.

lol, that was me. I forgot to sign my name.

happy birthday :)

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