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ok, update

Well...I now know just how much crap I gotta do this summer as far as school catch-up goes. The guy from the private Christian home school organization (called Veritas) that we're going through to get my high school diploma and finish my school is being really nice and I realize he's also being really lenient due to the "originality" of my situation.
I have almost no records to prove I've done anything. Therefore, this summer, I have to review and take final exams on Algebra 1 and Geometry, begin again and complete Algebra 2, finish Physical Science, read about 50 books, begin Spanish 1 (and over the next year and a half finish 2 years of Spanish), and work on my history. Then during the school year I have double sciences (biology and chemistry), advanced Algebra and Trig, Government and Economics, World History, and other basics, while continuing the Spanish. Next summer I will catch up on Health and Physical Fitness and anything else I need, while finishing up Spanish and anything else that needs work. I'm going to be busy, to say the least. While keeping up with my art work.

Speaking of - I made my first attempt at anime on Sunday, and that was also my first drawing on black paper. I'm not impressed with it, but for being a double first I guess it's not awful. I may try to get a pic of it and put it up here for you guys to see, along with photos of any of my unfinshed paintings. :)

I've been doing some reading lately...I read Animal Farm and I'm working on Dracula. Trying to catch up on the must-reads list for college...I never read some of the really important ones with all those great political statements. Animal Farm is a great short book to read, and if anyone wants it, my best friend sent it to me in a PDF so I could FW it to you.

And while I'm on the topic of email - I have a new Yahoo! ID to replace the old one...It is "blackthornsandbloodyroses" and the email is that @yahoo.com. I'm using gmail more now though...My trust in Yahoo! is forever gone. :/ I don't have hardly any of the email addresses that were stored in petalsofadyingrose and now I have to rebuild and hope I can one way or another locate them all. *snarls deeply* It just ticks me off that Y! would do that.

I gotta hit the sack...Counselling session tomorrow morning. I'm also taking pictures of the new hair for all those of you who keep bugging me. :P :P :P

