Saturday, July 29, 2006

Final Words Addressed To ALL

It seems to me that I have done nothing other than inserted a stick into a hornet's nest with my last post. I was somewhat surprised by the amount of response I received through both email and as comments on my blog. I'd like to thank all of you who have replied for taking the time to do so.

Sometimes I think the truth hurts more than it heals. Maybe it's true; maybe it just takes more than the truth.

Wherever I go, it won't matter what I do or how I act, there will always be those who will judge me. I'm not one of those people who will ever fit into society - niether the society of the RPNA(General Meeting), nor of the world. And that seems, in the eyes of so many, to make me unacceptable.

I am who I am, and am not ashamed of that, nor of what I believe. I love my God first, and after Him I love my people, my clothing, my music, my artwork, my writing; and my choices in those and your opinions or previous definitions of who/what they are or mean should not define for you who I am.

It distresses me, however, at the hypocrisy in calling ourselves Christians, and being so willing to judge at the same time. Are we not commanded, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1, also Luke 6:37)? And yet everywhere I turn, I see countless fingers pointing at countless others. Jesus said that he did not come to judge the world, but to save it, and as Christians, are we not supposed to strive to be like Him?

You may challenge me, and my acceptance of others, but remember, Christ sat at the same table as tax collectors and great sinners. I am not here to judge you, nor condemn you; and I am not here to judge or condemn anyone else. If there is something good to be appreciated about someone or something, then I shall say so.

I'd also like to say that at this point I am not going to hold theological discussions with anyone, as I am still going through the long process of reading the Bible to determine what's Truth and what is not in that which I have believed. I may or may not hold to beliefs which you, whoever you are, find acceptable. Regardless of that, I do not wish to talk to you about it, as no matter what I say, you're going to be right. In the numerous discussions I've had with people belonging to the RPNA(General Meeting), the greater majority have closed their minds and are not open for discussion or anything which might challenge what they believe - but are perfectly willing to challenge my beliefs. I am not going to name anyone specifically; I understand my statements of the RPNA(General Meeting) in an earlier post caused pain among some of you, and have no wish to further anything you may feel. I did not intend by my words to injure, and I apologize for doing so. There are many of you whom I do love and respect. My heart goes out to you all. I do not profess to be broken by the continued maintaining of your beliefs, as some have claimed of me; for I am made whole by Christ, and none can harm me through Him. I accept your brotherly and sisterly love and admonishments, but for now, I would ask that you save your admonishments for a time when we are a more accepting people, and then if you still so desired, claim what you will of me. I do not deny that I have been very guilty of the sin of judging in the past, and even recently, though I strive to be consistent and do what He would, especially in the matter, as I personally know how much it can hurt people.

This is the last I will say on this topic. You may respond as you wish, and I will be happy to post your comments - we are all entitled to our own opinions, and should have the freedom and ability to voice them - but I will not respond to those comments.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Again in response to blog commentator.

Hello again.

First of all, I do wish to say I believe you ARE genuinely concerned for my welfare. And I do respect that. I appreciate your concern. And I do appreciate you having the courage to voice your opinion and concern, even though that courage was very much taken away from by your posting such a comment anonymously. They say one of the greatest kind of friends is one who will stand up to his/her friends for what is right (or she/he believes to be right). You stood up, yes, but again stood down by your lack of identification. It is that fact that has me disturbed and confused, not what you have said to me. We could be having such conversations privately: should you still wish to do so, my email address is quite available, and all you have to do is ask. But, in posting a comment like that on a public blog, and not including your name, though it was perhaps very courageous of you to post something like what you said publicly, you have also forced me to make it public. Which may have been your purpose; I am not sure. What I do have no doubts about is that you are a member of the RPNA(General Meeting) or have once been affiliated with them, due to the nature of your comment and the fact that somewhere I have read something you've written before, as my brain recognizes your writing style. I do not however remember or associate such writing style with your identity. Should you expose yourself somewhere along the way, I believe I can respect you more; at the moment, I can only give you the respect due to anonymous commentators.

At this point, I wish to merely make a public statement of my faith, and to state my beliefs.
I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that He came to this world as one person, both God and man, to die for the sins of those who have faith in Him, and to save them from hell and eternal damnation. I have faith in Him and pray to my Saviour daily for the forgiveness of sins I have commited each day and have the faith that He does so. I was born in sin and He is my only hope, my only purpose, the only reason I live today. He has given me the freedom to live with purpose and to the end that someday I may worship Him in everlasting glory, being perfect and without sin as He has promised.
In my faith, I have separated myself from the RPNA(General Meeting). I have found many discrepancies in their belief and practice, and many places where they have chosen to ignore things the Bible makes very clear, or to twist things that are clear into something opaque and vague to decieve those who follow them. They have created idols from the teachings of men, and this I believe to be sin, as the Bible very clearly says we are to have no other gods (Exodous 20:3, Duet. 5:7). If we believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, then we should also believe that it is our only guide to truth and light through Him (II Tim. 3:16, II Peter 1:19-22). I believe the RPNA(General Meeting) have strayed widely from these teachings.
I am assured of my salvation through Jesus Christ, by faith alone, and He has never failed me, and continues to uphold me through every step I take. I live in Christ, and am myself according to who I am in Him, not who you nor anyone else decrees me to be. I hold myself to standards I believe realistic and Biblical. Not your standards, nor what you believe to be Biblical. I have not freedom or liberty through Satan, but through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I do not deny my sin, and there are things I have done that will permantently affect me and others. I appreciate your admonition, as I believe you thought me well-deserving and needful of it. But do not judge me, for it is God alone who will judge me; and do not make accusations nor assumptions based on false information, or without knowing the full story. You have not come to me with questions, or asked me what I believe, nor even given me your name in faith and friendship.

I have both physical and emotional scars from the years I spent associated with the RPNA(General Meeting). Many of these are scars I myself created. Perhaps, had I been led differently, many would not be there; however, I take full responsibilty for myself, my actions, and who I am today, because I am responsible for myself, and no other. I will blame no one, and continue to fight the good fight, because this fight is worth fighting.

Thank you all. If you wish to respond to this, I would be inclined to respect the inclusion of a name.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

In response to "concerned for my welfare"

Thank you for your thoughts and opinions. I, however, find it somewhat cowardly of you to post a comment of such a nature and neglect to leave your name or identity. I moderate my comments, and chose to publish this particular one anyway, that I might have the opportunity to respond to it. For those who did not see it, I will copy-paste it here that you may:

"Dear Ashley,
I hope that you will reconsider the path that you are following now for "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Please return from the path that Satan is laying for you. He promises you liberty but rather you will find yourself in his tenacious, unrelenting grip, becoming hopeless and falling into despair. Please turn to the Lord and let Him help you in the hour of your need.
Also, remember that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, which you have of God and you are not your own. You were bought with the precious blood of Christ, and therefore you must glorify the Lord in your body and in your spirit which are His. (I Corinthians 6:19,20)Please flee that which the world offers you. it is just like a sugar coated poisonous candy- looking good on the outside, but when you bite into it, you will feel the inevitable results.Please, Ashley, don't forsake the Lord, for if you forsake Him, you well know what will be the results, and I would hate to see that happen to you.
~concerned for your welfare"

Now, I know I'm not going to change your mind about this, but, tomorrow, I am going to post a response more worthy than of what I could give you tonight, since tonight I am tired, and not feeling well, and could respond more clearly and focused once I have slept on this. Tonight I simply will say that, I know where I am with God, and you do not, and the fact that whoever you are, you had such lack of nerve as to post something like this anonymously, is what disturbs me, not your thoughts in and of themselves. If you want to say something to me, say it, but have the guts to also say who you are. I can't help but say that my respect for you, even if you later tell me who you are, has gone down considerably by this comment. To have the courage to tell me something like this to my face and as a friend, would make me respect you more, regardless of whether I believe your views to be correct; but such cowardice apalls me.

Thank you, and good night. You will hear more from me tomorrow.

In all Love and Sincerity,


P.S. The telemarketing and used-by-many trick of repeating my name several times during a conversation will not work on me. Save yourself some typing.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I want it...

On my shoulder blade!

Monday, July 03, 2006

No Rest For The Wicked

Absofriggenlutely awesome.

Earthsong VERY COOL.