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And the results are...

ASHLEY KICKS ASSEMENT TESTING BUTT! YES!!!!!!!!!!! GO ME!!!!!!!!! I scored as high as possible in every area of my GED assesment test, a 12.9. *jumps up and down happily* This means no classes, just take the practice testing, send the results in to the state, get approval for me to take the GED from them, and take the GED. Since I'm going to be totally and completely occupied between this upcoming Saturday and next Wednesday, I'm going to start taking the practice tests next Thursday. If I fit them into my schedule properly, I can get those bad boys out of the way and be all done by the following Monday. Then I send the package of stuff in to the state, they approve me, and I take the big test. Once I have results from that and the SAT (scheduled for October 14th), I can send in all my stuff for my college application. Yayness. :D I want to go to Georgia Perimeter College (www.gpc.edu) and go ahead and get that associates degree in arts. I want to do summer school to get it out of the way as quickly as possible so I can move on to an art university and then to my lovely exciting criminal sciences. :)

Anyway, I'm totally psyched that I did so well. I can hardly believe myself. :P :D Can't wait to get finished with all this crap and into college. Classes, finally!

Let me run before I start bouncing off the sides of my blog here. :P

~An extremely happy Ashley~

Lisa and I are very proud of you.

The sad part about all of this is that the GED test requirements represent the minimum that a person who went through the public school system should know. You knew all of this without having gone through the system. No offense, but the system is flawed.

Don't forget you have to pass the writing portion of the GED. I have serious doubts about your ability to form a proper essay. Thank goodness that the writing teacher has not had any of her students fail the writing portion of the test.

Celebrate now. Be aware that the SAT is not as easy and you need to know how to calculate percentages.

Not only did you accomplish this, but you have taken the initiative to get all of this done on your own. All of this and offering to pay rent. How can we thank you enough? And free babysitting; stop. Really, it's too much.

All that success and Shakes is closed...

Much love,
David and Lisa

I didn't even find out about this until today. Cngratulations - I knew you would do well.
I won't say that I disagree about the system being flawed, because I think government schools are pathetic. I will say that maybe it indicates you received a far better education at home than you have been willing to admit. It is true that you weren't spoon fed like you get in a typical classroom, but obviously you learned something. Learning how to learn for yourself is as important as the actual facts you aquire in the learning process.
It won't hurt my feelings if you don't post my comments. In fact, since I am going to ramble about news at home, I'd prefer you didn't... Maybe you can edit out my ramblings... I am not sure how the moderating part works.
I do want you to know that we love you and miss you, and I hope that one day you will find it in your heart to forgive us for our shortcomings. I am happy for you that it is working out for you to be able to start college early. I am confident that you will excel, just as you always have at everything you have attempted.

Since you like to stay caught up on news, Ms. Elise stopped in to milk her goats on the way to Kentucky this morning. We have found a home for the Bassets with Ken Maye who has purchased goats from us in the past. We have temporarily swapped Sierra for a mare and her injured foal while we doctor his leg. It was worse than Sierra's in some ways, and was almost 2 weeks post injury when we got him. Daddy and the boys fenced in the wooded area behind the house and out to the barn, and we have moved all the does down here. Erik and the 4 bucks are up at Granny's. Charmer is going to go back to Kay and she is going to trade her for a bottle baby to raise. We still haven't had any nibbles on the house, and the guy who was going to buy the land probably isn't because he and Uncle Frank can't come to an agreement on the piece that he wants to develop. Other than that, and trying to ramp up school again full force without a budget for more books, not much else is going on unless you want to hear about the Comprehensive Recovery Center that God has given me the privilege of being a small part of (which you probably don't because it has to do with Mannatech.)



Instead of a long answer. Let's put it nice and short.

Congrats, girl. Keep buttkicking, it's an important discipline in life.

- Note: If you don't want your comments posted, don't post a comment. Send me an email. Thanks.

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