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In response to "concerned for my welfare"

Thank you for your thoughts and opinions. I, however, find it somewhat cowardly of you to post a comment of such a nature and neglect to leave your name or identity. I moderate my comments, and chose to publish this particular one anyway, that I might have the opportunity to respond to it. For those who did not see it, I will copy-paste it here that you may:

"Dear Ashley,
I hope that you will reconsider the path that you are following now for "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Please return from the path that Satan is laying for you. He promises you liberty but rather you will find yourself in his tenacious, unrelenting grip, becoming hopeless and falling into despair. Please turn to the Lord and let Him help you in the hour of your need.
Also, remember that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, which you have of God and you are not your own. You were bought with the precious blood of Christ, and therefore you must glorify the Lord in your body and in your spirit which are His. (I Corinthians 6:19,20)Please flee that which the world offers you. it is just like a sugar coated poisonous candy- looking good on the outside, but when you bite into it, you will feel the inevitable results.Please, Ashley, don't forsake the Lord, for if you forsake Him, you well know what will be the results, and I would hate to see that happen to you.
~concerned for your welfare"

Now, I know I'm not going to change your mind about this, but, tomorrow, I am going to post a response more worthy than of what I could give you tonight, since tonight I am tired, and not feeling well, and could respond more clearly and focused once I have slept on this. Tonight I simply will say that, I know where I am with God, and you do not, and the fact that whoever you are, you had such lack of nerve as to post something like this anonymously, is what disturbs me, not your thoughts in and of themselves. If you want to say something to me, say it, but have the guts to also say who you are. I can't help but say that my respect for you, even if you later tell me who you are, has gone down considerably by this comment. To have the courage to tell me something like this to my face and as a friend, would make me respect you more, regardless of whether I believe your views to be correct; but such cowardice apalls me.

Thank you, and good night. You will hear more from me tomorrow.

In all Love and Sincerity,


P.S. The telemarketing and used-by-many trick of repeating my name several times during a conversation will not work on me. Save yourself some typing.

With all respect for your belief. (Concerning the church, also my belief, but what does the church know about what I believe.)

I've been to a shrink for less. If you ask me, not Ashley is walking the path of Satan, but you just flee away in you belief. Face life with it's good and it's dark sides. It has al to do with people, nothing with Satan's or Gods. If a Holy Spirit would excist (I can't deny, nor confirm), than possibly an unholy Spirit may excist. And if both are there, and none has prevailed yet, It's safe to assume evil and good has to excist both. Without evil, there is no good. Without imperfection, the idea of perfection would not excist (that's the contrary of descartes ideas, I know.)

I'm sure you have a point you want to make clear. (Although "walking the path of Satan" sounds like she's the devil in disguise and with both now: she's not.)
It would be good for you and us if you could make a point, without having to search your bible for a line confirming your thoughts. The bible tells about setting the people free, leading them to the promised land. Maybe focus on that part: set your mind free and let it think without the restructions of written texts. (Texts which are, through ages manipulated in a way you can't believe to serve dictatorship, a term which will, you being an american, sound like "the path of Satan". Those lines are created by humans and accept it or not. Humans are not as perfect as Jezus would want them to. They will always be selfish, hurt others and manipulate. Just as they will always love, help and support other people.

Try to accept life like it is, instead of spreading bible-talk which doesn't help most of the people suffering in this world. (Maybe it could do it in your eyes, but it won't. If you step into the parts of the world you call satan's path, the forsaken parts, the doomed parts, the places where hellfires burn like partyfires, such places, you will see those people suffer as much as you do it, and they run just like you do, but they just run to another destination.

I say to all: stay still, face your fear, defeat your fear and then walk again.

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