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And now for a long overdue news update...

So, I'm sure those of you who don't chat with me often have been waiting for the answer to the question - What goes on in Ashley's life? I can't tell you the greatest, the best, and the most wonderful current news until a bit later this month, but I can at least try to give you somewhat of an update.

Last Wednesday I took an assessment test so that I can get my GED and go to college. This upcoming Wednesday we're going to meet with the instructors and find out my scores and what I need to work on. The lady who gave me the pre-test did say that I scored very highly on that though, so I'm hopeful. I am going to take the SAT this fall and can hopefully be in college by this spring to get my associates degree in Art before moving on to a university. I am praying all goes well and that despite my utter lack of any form of high school transcript, I will be able to get into college. David wants me to write a book about not being "One of THOSE People" who acquire the GED; I actually think it could be a good idea, and David says it will help pay for college (I can't get the HOPE Scholarship until my second semester). I'd record interviews with other GED students, and get their life stories and learn from them what prompted them to acquire the GED. What think you people?

Here's the ideal set up: Associate's degree in Art, Art University, and then a degree in Criminal Sciences so I can actually make money, not be bored, and have a very profitable job. Yay.

I got my second piercings in my ears - yay. They look good. They're white gold (which basically looks exactly like silver). I'll post a picture as soon as I'm done with this. :)

I've been doing plenty of research on the West Memphis Three, as some of you might have noticed by my most recent post excluding this one. The more I read, the angrier I get at the prosecutors, the judge, the people of the state, and the media surrounding those events. The gross errors made by the law and the abuse of the legal system disgust me. If it weren't so horribly true it would be almost unbelievable.

A few weeks ago I went with Lisa and Catherine to New Jersey. Anything in the city or around the turnpike in NJ sucks. The little towns and outside the city are good. I liked this town we visited a lot, it's called Chester. I'll post pictures - we ate at this awesome little tea room called Sally Lunn's (http://www.sallylunns.com/). I got Lydia's bday present at a cool little shop there, too.
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest while up there, at a theater near the first hotel we stayed at - SUCH A COOL MOVIE! I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP. He's so sexy. Mmmm. Eyeliner rocks.
Babysitting a 4 year old locked into a hotel room because it's raining outside and the pool is closed SUCKS, though. Ick. Talk about spring fever in the middle of the summer...

My life shall soon revolve around church, work, and - eek - school. I shall be busier than ever.

I went shopping yesterday. It was really depressing and annoying. I have felt fat and gross ever since. *sigh* Jeans especially - Most 7s don't fit me, and the ones that do are still incredibley too long for my legs. I ended up buying a pair, but it's looking like I'll only be able to wear them with my boots unless I take them up. GRR. I don't like being so SHORT! I got some cute skirts though, and a couple tops.

Counselling was today. It went pretty okay. It had been a while since I'd last seen Jason, so it was nice to get to unload on someone with a degree. :)

I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yeah. If you don't know already, then you'll find out next Thursday or sometime. :)

I gotta run, just thought I'd give a quick update. Love and good health to all!
